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Trauma & Loss

Trauma comes in many forms, but almost always has this universal effect: it unsettles the survivor physiologically and emotionally until the person receives help.

On the leading edge of evidence-based intervention programs, Voce provides training and best practices to social workers and other professionals that helps individuals heal and recover.

Why We Use Our Voice

  • Sexual Abuse
    Sexual Abuse

    1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before age 18

  • Physical Abuse
    Physical Abuse

    Over 69,000 reports of physical abuse to children were received in 2019

  • Verbal Abuse
    Verbal Abuse

    Verbal aggression can cause the same trauma effects as physical abuse

  • Neglect

    Survivors of childhood neglect are at greater risk of problems throughout life

  • Separation

    Without emotional support, separation from a parent can be catastrophic for a child


Learn about what we're making possible together.

  • Community leaders build skills and forge connections to fuel efforts toward healing child and family trauma.

  • We are one of only four licensed Training for Adoption Competency™ sites in the Northeast and 17 nationwide.

  • On-site & Virtual Training

    Our trainers blend engaging presentations with breakout sessions and experiential learning.

  • Program Development

    Recognized for our formative work in child welfare, we are uniquely equipped to guide agencies in program development.

  • Program Evaluation

    Our program experts partner with agencies to conduct needs assessments, process evaluations and outcome evaluations.

What Does Possibility Sound like to YOU?

Together, let’s make it possible.